[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #27909: Pasting Tables from Excel Strips Tables

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Sep 4 21:35:18 UTC 2014

#27909: Pasting Tables from Excel Strips Tables
 Reporter:  DH-Shredder                |       Owner:
     Type:  defect (bug)               |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal                     |   Milestone:  4.0
Component:  TinyMCE                    |     Version:  3.9
 Severity:  normal                     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  needs-patch needs-testing  |     Focuses:
Changes (by FreestyleMD):

 * status:  closed => reopened
 * resolution:  fixed =>


 I have just upgraded the first of my sites to 4.0 and have found this
 problem is still occurring, but only when I ''paste a table into a brand
 new post''. If I type so much as a single character into the post first
 then the table will paste (reasonably) correctly. If I then delete
 everything from that post, or discard and then create a new post, the
 table will still paste without losing its structure. However on logging
 out and logging back in, the paste fails with a new post.
 The same is true of pasting from a word document. I am still using
 Word/Excel 2010 on Windows 7

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/27909#comment:42>
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