[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #21785: Add header image uploads with cropping to the customizer

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Sat Mar 29 11:03:25 UTC 2014

#21785: Add header image uploads with cropping to the customizer
 Reporter:  nacin           |       Owner:
     Type:  task (blessed)  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:  3.9
Component:  Appearance      |     Version:  3.4
 Severity:  normal          |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch       |     Focuses:  javascript, administration

Comment (by nacin):

 * [attachment:21785-doCrop-move.2.diff] — Leaving this uncommitted pending
 a review from gcorne. He indicated to me it would make sense if doCrop
 then refreshed the model's attributes; there is also a question in
 [comment:45 comment:45] about referencing a selection.

  * [attachment:21785-suggested-dimensions.diff] — I agree, mhg, that this
 is not ideal. Sorry for sending you on that goose chase. One of the
 reasons the original suggested dimensions didn't get committed is that it
 had this pretty weird hack with regards to the media manager title. I'm
 fine with the design, but I'd want to inject that view in another way.

  * [attachment:21785-mm-crop-error-button.diff] — Nice! Chances are a crop
 isn't a transient failure, so I'm not sure how much a retry will help, but
 we have very little recourse here. Asking others to weigh in to see if
 anyone else can think of an existing paradigm we should otherwise copy.

  * [attachment:21785-move-query-logic.diff] + [attachment:consolidated-
 query-logic-1.diff] looks good. I took that a step further in [27849] and
 had the get_uploaded_header_images() method wrap the
 get_uploaded_header_images() function — nice and clean!

  * I'm curious about whether get_default_header_images() needs to do all
 of that work. A default image is not allowed to be selected on Appearance
 > Header unless it is also a default header. I don't want to condone the
 practice of registering a default image *and* other default headers *and*
 not specifying the former with the latter. It doesn't work now, I'd like
 to leave it that way. It would still appear as the "Current Header" but
 wouldn't show up in "Suggested". If the issue is there is no "Restore
 Original" button, then OK, I can see that.

  * I have been using the UI more and more over the last few days and I am
 going to try to bring back the tabs and see how they work. I discussed
 this a bit in IRC mostly as it relates to "Randomize" and "Randomizing"
 being too dark and not really feeling like buttons (like one of them is)
 or a current state (like the other is). That's not a big deal, but I'm
 also concerned about all of the jumping around that occurs. It's very
 jarring. If you click "Randomize" things jump up top. If you click a
 suggested header when you already have a suggested header, the one you
 clicked suddenly vanishes and another takes its place. Sometimes you get
 jumped up (on purpose), but that's not a good experience either. I'm going
 to try to re-implement the tabs with some kind of a checkbox or link for
 Randomize to see if it feels better.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21785#comment:54>
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