[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #27406: Widget Customizer: Organize all widget area sections into a meta customizer section

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Jun 26 16:15:24 UTC 2014

#27406: Widget Customizer: Organize all widget area sections into a meta customizer
 Reporter:  westonruter                          |       Owner:
     Type:  enhancement                          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                               |   Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Customize                            |     Version:  3.9
 Severity:  normal                               |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch dev-feedback needs-        |     Focuses:  ui,
  testing ux-feedback                            |  javascript

Comment (by helen):

 Really, really loving this. The "panel" concept makes a lot of sense to
 me. Agree that it's very close to first run - everything else I'm going to
 list can be done post-first-pass, just would like confirmation of review
 from another committer who's deeper in this (cough, ocean90).

 Some thoughts on testing the patch:

 * Keyboard accessibility - I think escape should take you back until you
 can't go back anymore, and then close the customizer (I don't believe it
 does this now). I believe the back button achieves the same effect - we
 may want to do this with history, perhaps (see: deep-linking).
 * Also on accessibility - should have somebody with a screen reader (or
 various screen readers) evaluate how various elements announce themselves,
 such as back/close. This will almost certainly have to happen after first
 run, as it's easier to get somebody testing trunk as opposed to a patch.
 * Not sure about grouping panels vs. sections - I can see how it would
 make sense to group them together, but the ordering feels wrong with
 Widgets at the top.
 * The arrow, while large at first, quickly felt right, and made me wonder
 if the "close" button should then become an X instead, with the arrow
 sliding over it. You could quickly get out of the customizer that way -
 click a couple times in the same spot.
 * Deep-linking would be super awesome. :)
 * How does the "You are customizing X" string work with translations,
 since the design assumes the X will be the last word? I guess we do the
 same with "You are previewing X", mostly just curious/cautious.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/27406#comment:32>
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