[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #10041: like_escape() should escape backslashes too

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Fri Jun 13 18:44:05 UTC 2014

#10041: like_escape() should escape backslashes too
 Reporter:  miau_jp              |       Owner:  wonderboymusic
     Type:  defect (bug)         |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  high                 |   Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Formatting           |     Version:  2.8
 Severity:  normal               |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  4.0-early has-patch  |     Focuses:

Comment (by boonebgorges):

 > The problem wasn't just with usage. The docs actually said like_escape()
 was SQL safe even though it was not. So we have to anticipate that message
 resulted in the function being used in many strange ways in plugins.

 I did a quick survey of plugins.svn.wordpress.org. It looks like maybe
 half the plugins using `like_escape()` are doing separate SQL sanitization
 (this includes BuddyPress, fwiw :) ), while the other half is not (or is
 doing it wrong). It's likely that the incorrect docs for `like_escape()`
 had something to do with this. Given the security implications, throwing a
 deprecated notice to get the attention of developers is probably prudent,
 and I think this ticket can probably be reclosed.

 I strongly second jjj's suggestion above that we get a post somewhere
 (make.wordpress.org/plugins/) seems like an appropriate place) that
 explains the change and describes what they need to do to fix. If others
 agree that this is the right way to go, I can take the reins on that task.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10041#comment:69>
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