[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #26935: Add empty submenu page to hide menu page title in list
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Sat Jan 25 07:46:35 UTC 2014
#26935: Add empty submenu page to hide menu page title in list
Reporter: josh401 | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Awaiting Review
Component: Menus | Version: trunk
Severity: normal | Keywords:
Focuses: |
My question has to do with `add_menu_page()` and `add_submenu_page()`. If
we add a menu page, and one sub_menu page.. we end up with the main menu
page being duplicated in the sub pages list.
If we have "Main" as our main page, and "Sub" as our sub page...
add_menu_page('Main', 'Main', 'manage_options', 'main_options',
array($this, 'main_do_page'));
add_submenu_page('main_options', 'Sub', 'Sub', 'manage_options',
'sub_options', null);
This will create a menu structure such as:
* Main
* Main
* Sub
The "Main" page is duplicated in the sub list.
Now, we can hide that duplication with a slight adjustment to the code:
add_menu_page('Main', 'Main', 'manage_options', 'main_options',
array($this, 'main_do_page'));
add_submenu_page('main_options', 'Sub', 'Sub', 'manage_options',
'main_options', null);
By changing the fifth argument to match the "Main" page slug.. it will
successfully hide the submenu; resulting in:
* Main
* Sub
However... the issue with this... is a menu item still gets created in the
generated html. The inner html is blank.. so no title is actually
displayed.. but the outer html is still there.
It appears in the submenu html output as such (with the second snippet
<li class="wp-first-item current">
<a class="wp-first-item current"
<a href="admin.php?page=sub_options">Options</a>
See how the top item has the html for a list item.. but has no inner html?
This creates a space, about 4 or 5 pixels.. in between the main item and
the sub menu items.
Now, I know this is trivial when there is only one menu item. But, now
that I know it exists.. it is driving me nuts.
1. It results in unnecessary html output.
2. It results in a space in the menu item list.. which is faint, but
unattractive... and hinders the visual appeal of the new admin panel.
Could we perhaps first check if the `add_submenu_page()` fifth argument
($menu_slug) matches the `add_menu_page()` first argument ($page_title)...
then the outer html wrapper doesn't get rendered?
With space example(http://joshlobe.com/testsite/images/trac1)
Without space example(http://joshlobe.com/testsite/images/trac2)
Thank you for reading.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/26935>
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