[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #23912: Add Composer package description
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Sun Jan 19 13:02:47 UTC 2014
#23912: Add Composer package description
Reporter: Rarst | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Release
Component: Build Tools | Version: 3.5
Severity: trivial | Resolution:
Keywords: |
Comment (by JohnPBloch):
Replying to [comment:72 rmccue]:
> I use WP in a subdirectory as well, and I still think `create-project`
is the correct approach.
It sounds to me like you're just interested in using Composer to download
WordPress in this case. Might I suggest that any one of these tools are
far more suited to that job?
svn export http://core.svn.wordpress.org/tags/3.8/ wordpress
wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip; unzip latest.zip
wp core download --path=wordpress
> WordPress is not meant to be embeddable in other projects (trust me,
I've done it, it's a bad idea), it *is* the project.
> WP-in-a-subdirectory is still WP-as-root-package, you're just moving
some files around.
Nobody is talking about embedding WordPress in other projects. We're
talking about the fact that for any WordPress powered site, the ''site''
as a whole is the main project and WordPress is a very important
dependency of that site. As are all of the plugins on it, all the themes,
etc. All of those themes and plugins also happen to have WordPress as a
> WP still can't be used inside another application without stuff breaking
everywhere. That's the crux of my opposition to this: WordPress is not
embeddable, so requiring it via Composer makes no real sense to me.
That is the best news I've heard in this thread. Let me be the first to
happily tell you: You are fighting a straw man.
The crux of the issue for those of us arguing for WordPress as a
dependency is that we want to be able to use Composer to manage the
WordPress version for our sites that already use Composer. This is not in
any way to say that the site isn't purely a WordPress site.
To get an idea of what this looks like, check out
[https://github.com/johnpbloch/wordpress-project my WordPress package
composer create-project johnpbloch/wordpress-project:~0.1
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23912#comment:78>
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