[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #26802: WordPress FTP component fails to update core on IIS7+
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Sat Jan 18 06:01:32 UTC 2014
#26802: WordPress FTP component fails to update core on IIS7+
Reporter: WinWPAdmin | Owner: dd32
Type: defect (bug) | Status: accepted
Priority: normal | Milestone: Awaiting Review
Component: Filesystem | Version: 3.7.1
Severity: major | Resolution:
Keywords: |
Comment (by dd32):
Upon looking through the FTP logs again I've spotted this:
STOR /wp-admin/update-core.php 550 32 3 98b6708b-
a3c4-44c0-a642-f0c066459756 /wp-admin/update-core.php
The URL being requested will be wp-admin/update-core.php, which when it
tries to update it via FTP it gets a 550 error (Access Is Denied). At that
point WordPress stops attempting to upgrade.
I've managed to duplicate that error once, it appeared that the file is
locked by the PHP process preventing it being modified while being used, a
similar thing can happen on some windows systems with TortoiseSVN & SVN
checkouts where the filesystem says "no, you can't delete that file, it's
in use by tortoisesvn".
I also notice this during your manual FTP update:
STOR index.php 550 2148074264 0 badf0c5d-1d11-41a1-a780-bdf9f6495d00
STOR license.txt 550 2148074264 0 cd6acf6b-07f8-47e9-b9a8-1b3fba3d4a2b
STOR readme.html 550 2148074264 0 badf0c5d-1d11-41a1-a780-bdf9f6495d00
it retries these transfers multiple times which eventually succeed, which
suggests to me that it might be a file-locking issue again, it's just that
WordPress doesn't retry as much with as much delay as the FTP client is.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/26802#comment:8>
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