[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #6481: Fancy permalinks should be enabled on new sites
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Dec 31 01:29:47 UTC 2014
#6481: Fancy permalinks should be enabled on new sites
Reporter: Denis-de-Bernardy | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 4.2
Component: Permalinks | Version: 2.7
Severity: minor | Resolution:
Keywords: has-patch dev-feedback | Focuses:
Comment (by valendesigns):
Replying to [comment:59 ericlewis]:
> I mentioned earlier [comment:47 wrapping in a function_exists check is
probably the wrong way to go here].
Probably, or is the wrong way to go? I would prefer a `function_exists`
check around all functions, but that's just my preference and one I'm
willing change if needed. Where did you read or hear that it's an anti-
pattern? If we remove the `function_exists` then I suggest we include a
filter on the URL or an action at the end, or both. Something to make it
Replying to [comment:57 DrewAPicture]:
> @valendesigns: FYI, in 6481.8.diff​ I've made a couple of tweaks to fix
documentation and coding standards syntax:
Thank you! I'm still new around here so there are some coding nuances I
still need to get use to.
Replying to [comment:58 nacin]:
> What about PATHINFO links?
I don't see how `pathinfo()` would benefit us in this situation. We're
trying to establish a fake, but valid URI, not information about a file
path; you must know a trick that I've not seen before. In any case, as
long as we can count on the 404 `x-pingback` header then we're good.
However, if you think that's not the case, we should definitely add a
second check to fallback on.
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6481#comment:60>
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