[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #23143: Change user "website" profile field to "Web Profile page"

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Jan 9 14:05:30 UTC 2013

#23143: Change user "website" profile field to "Web Profile page"
 Reporter:  mark-k       |       Owner:
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  Users        |     Version:
 Severity:  trivial      |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  close        |

Comment (by mark-k):

 @toscho, @JDTrowe, I think that you just prove my point that current use
 is semantically almost (or totally) identical to proposed use. When I say
 "profile" I don't mean social network profile page, it can be any page
 that have a better/fuller description of the user. If people think that
 their blog's home page is their best profile on the web then they should
 keep using it in that field.

 Technically that field now is a URL, and there is no reason why you should
 restrict yourself to pointing to a root of a website, but since the
 wording says "Website" I assume that people feel like they have to point
 to a root of a website. How many of the blog owners point to an "About me"
 page in their blog?

 Taking @JDTrowe statistics as representative, 95% of the users will not
 feel the change because they don't use the feature at all. The 5% that do
 use probably expect that info to be provided somewhere at their author
 page and maybe on their posts, but I don't think any theme does that as
 googling for get_the_author_link shows almost zero results outside of
 codex and code Cross References.

 AFAICT The only place that actually uses this info is comments. The
 current wording is so bad that people probably don't understand that they
 can use that field to have their external personal pages accessible from
 their comments.

 About plugin vs core: The more it is being discussed I get to the
 conclusion that there are two things that I wrapped as one
 1. The wording "Website" is a core bug and needs to be changed as it
 doesn't convey any clue on how it will be used. If @JDTrowe as an expert
 don't know about its usage in comments how less experienced people are
 supposed to know about it?

 2. A way to specify a link for rel="me" is an enhancement. Even if you
 disagree about the need to let authors to connect with their other web
 profiles, the fact that plugins are basically recreating the same
 functionality signals that some basic support for the functionality should
 be in core.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23143#comment:11>
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