[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #23912: Add Composer package description

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Aug 21 13:01:28 UTC 2013

#23912: Add Composer package description
 Reporter:  Rarst                   |       Owner:
     Type:  enhancement             |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                  |   Milestone:  3.7
Component:  General                 |     Version:  3.5
 Severity:  trivial                 |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch dev-feedback  |

Comment (by johnpbloch):

 > > since the non-traditional structure of the repo won't let us infer
 tags any more
 > Subversion paths are mappable
 http://getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#subversion-options , however
 if I got new things right we would want "old" repository with "built"
 results and tags and everything anyway.

 This is a very good point. I'd (foolishly) forgotten that the old repo is
 going to be kept in sync and with the same (traditional) structure. We can
 just use that location.

 > Actually might want to ponder if it's preferable to point packages at
 SVN or GitHub mirror. Pointing to GitHub will provide HTTP downloads
 automagically with Composer.

 But pointing to Github also makes `dev` checkouts take WAY longer because
 it has to clone the entire repo instead of just `/trunk/`. My personal
 `satis` build uses the core svn repos and it has built packages that are
 HTTP downloads. I'll have to look into how I'm doing that, though. It
 might be through explicit definition of the download package.

 > One more thing I wanted to mention - are there any more platform
 dependencies we would want to require or suggest in `composer.json`? Like
 what images stuff needs currently, etc.

 I suppose adding `"ext-mysql"` to the `require` block is a good idea.
 Besides that and PHP 5.2.4, WordPress doesn't really have hard
 dependencies. IIRC, image manipulation fails gracefully in the absence of
 GD and Imagick. We could probably throw some of those in as dev-
 dependencies, though. Or we could add a `suggest` block. Here are the
 things that occurred to me that would go in there:

 1. `ext-gd`
 2. `ext-imagick`
 3. `ext-curl`

 Anything else? No need to put `SPL` in there, since they're on 5.3 or
 higher if they're using Composer.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23912#comment:28>
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