[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #22303: Please parse a "vendor" file

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Oct 29 20:01:37 UTC 2012

#22303: Please parse a "vendor" file
 Reporter:  remicollet    |       Owner:
     Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  General       |     Version:
 Severity:  normal        |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  dev-feedback  |
Changes (by dd32):

 * keywords:   => dev-feedback


 > licensing issues : are you absolutely sure that all bundled libraries
 are released under license compatible with one of !WordPress ?
 Yes. Also, we can't just not ship a library we use, as other than some
 jQuery UI components, we rely upon them being available - and that isn't

 >> We have to ship modified versions of external php libraries in some
 > I think you will probably hate a !WordPress fork. So simply imagine what
 the authors of the libraries you are shipping feels ? So, IMHO, this
 change should be reported to each upstream project.

 I think I phrased it wrong, We do package certain older libraries, or
 stable releases of libraries with patches applied (that have been passed
 up stream), We can't always wait for a new stable release of external
 libraries, although it's less common that we have to do it. (Although,
 really, a packaged version of !WordPress in a distro is generally a fork
 due the modifications made anyway)

 > Don't forget that having a package included in a linux distribution
 could give more visibility to your project (even if !WordPress probably
 don't need this) and make !WordPress's users life really simpler (single
 point of installation / update).

 In my experience, users who use distro-distributed editions of !WordPress
 have more support issues, as the builtin upgrading and instructions are
 not available to them, don't work, or plugins simply don't work with it
 (as it's a different configuration than most).[[BR]]
 As they're using a web application, they're not also likely to be using
 the command line, or a GUI, for updates as often as they would be using
 the !WordPress admin.

 I'm personally against distro builds of most web software ''which is user
 installable'', but I'm still open to doing a certain level of work to
 allow all users of !WordPress to use it as they wish (and I'm not the last
 word on this ticket either). [[BR]]
 I'm willing to suggest this is a wontfix myself, but leave it up to other
 developers for their views.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/22303#comment:5>
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