[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #19185: Dashed line when one Dashboard widget and more than one column in screen layout

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Sun Nov 6 21:20:15 UTC 2011

#19185: Dashed line when one Dashboard widget and more than one column in screen
 Reporter:  ryanimel      |      Owner:
     Type:  defect (bug)  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal        |  Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  General       |    Version:  3.3
 Severity:  normal        |   Keywords:  needs-patch
 Someone here at WordCamp Philly just pointed this out: If you have only
 one Dashboard widget active, and are using a screen layout of two or more,
 then the dashed line displays in the empty column(s). You can't actually
 move any widgets into it, though, and knowing you can move them there
 isn't helpful because you have only one widget.

 Screenshot showing the scenario: http://cl.ly/0C2i3f1q1Q3s0j3G3i3Q

 Few people are probably running only one Dashboard widget, but if they are
 they shouldn't see they have an option to move something when they can't.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/19185>
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