[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #10734: Gallery Shortcode Causes XHTML Validation Failure

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Wed May 4 15:20:31 UTC 2011

#10734: Gallery Shortcode Causes XHTML Validation Failure
 Reporter:  achmafooma    |       Owner:
     Type:  defect (bug)  |      Status:  closed
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:
Component:  Gallery       |     Version:
 Severity:  normal        |  Resolution:  maybelater
 Keywords:                |

Comment (by aaroncampbell):

 Replying to [comment:30 azaozz]:
 > Lets move the `<style>` tag inside the main `<div>` and add
 `scoped="scoped"` to it. That should stop all this. Themes that don't
 (want to) support HTML 5.0 can disable it.

 +1, although it looks to me like the HTML5 specs say that a style element
 can be in the body in pretty much any block-level element (parents can be
 "any element that can contain metadata elements, div, noscript, section,
 article, aside").  I like the idea of implementing "scoped" but I don't
 think it's entirely necessary.  The truth is that this was a limitation of
 the old specs.  The browsers saw this (is there any browser the current
 implementation doesn't work right in?) and now the specs are being updated
 to reflect it.

 Replying to [comment:31 zamoose]:
 > The change ''was'' controversial at the time. Many people worked out
 work-arounds almost as soon as the feature was released(1)(2)(3). It was
 discussed ad nauseum and the core devs pressed ahead with the (broken)
 implementation. So don't go acting as though those who have come late to
 the discussion are somehow invalid or would need access to a Delorean in
 order for their opinions to count.

 If you voiced your opinion and argued your case at the time, then you did
 everything you could do.  It's not that your opinion didn't count, it's
 that you were outvoted (or overruled if that's how you care to look at it
 I suppose) and you're upset.  Not a single person in the community (not
 even any of the core devs) gets their way all the time.  It's part of what
 makes WordPress appealing to millions instead of perfect for a handful of

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10734#comment:33>
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