[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #10171: wp_die error template

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Mon Jul 4 22:56:26 UTC 2011

#10171: wp_die error template
 Reporter:  riivolepp        |       Owner:
     Type:  feature request  |      Status:  closed
 Priority:  normal           |   Milestone:
Component:  General          |     Version:
 Severity:  normal           |  Resolution:  worksforme
 Keywords:                   |

Comment (by F J Kaiser):

 Replying to [comment:6 westi]:
 > The best way to override the look and feel of the
 _default_wp_die_handler() is to register another one.
 That answer is pretty much the same, most people would give on "how can I
 alter the output of the gallery shortcode". The answer is: Copy/Paste the
 whole 200 lines of code ... to modify 1 line.

 I understand that I can intercept & completely override it with a filter,
 but - like in most cases - it's not necessary to produce a lot of
 reduntant code if you simply can alter - the part that matters: - "the
 css" with exchanging the stylesheet with a simple filter. Imho a lot of
 core wp would be much easier to handle for themers if it would make use of
 WPs strongest parts: Filters & the Backpress procedural (scripts/styles)
 API. Isn't that why we have it?

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10171#comment:7>
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