[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #16147: MT Importer truncates double vertical spaces, munging paragraphs together

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Fri Jan 7 22:25:47 UTC 2011

#16147: MT Importer truncates double vertical spaces, munging paragraphs together
 Reporter:  novasource    |      Owner:
     Type:  defect (bug)  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal        |  Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  Import        |    Version:  3.0.4
 Severity:  major         |   Keywords:
 Movable Type 3.x-era exports don't use '''<p>''' tags. Like TinyMCE (and
 WordPress), a '''<p>''' in final rendered code is represented by two
 '''\n'''s in a row.

 The importer strips out double '''\n'''s and replaces with a single
 '''\n'''. This causes paragraphs to lose their distinction upon import.

 It does this because the '''$line''' variable was created by '''$line =
 $this->fgets($handle)''' (line 339). Then '''$line = trim($line)''' (line
 340) strips out several characters, including '''\n'''.

 Lines 455 and 456 add back the '''\n''' ''except'' on blank lines:
    if( !empty($line) )
    $line .= "\n";

 So if a '''$line''' was nothing but a '''\n''', it's stripped by the
 '''trim''' function and becomes a 0 character line. Then the '''if(
 !empty($line) )''' declines to add back a '''\n'''.

 Somehow this needs to be altered so that successive '''\n'''s aren't
 stripped. Otherwise paragraphs get vertically munged together.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/16147>
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