[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #14915: Fix activation hook inconsistency

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Thu Sep 23 02:13:46 UTC 2010

#14915: Fix activation hook inconsistency
 Reporter:  nacin         |       Owner:             
     Type:  defect (bug)  |      Status:  new        
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:  3.1        
Component:  Plugins       |     Version:  2.9        
 Severity:  normal        |    Keywords:  needs-patch

Comment(by joelhardi):

 OK, to use my test plugin, untar it and you'll see there's a patch to
 apply to the tree. Basically, the patch just inserts one line of code into
 two different files to call a function that injects data into the http
 response WordPress gets when it does the remote query for available plugin

 (NB that one of the files it's patching is {{{class-wp-upgrader.php}}} so
 if you wind up doing something with my code be sure not to commit this

 Then, to use my permanently out of date plugin, open it in your editor and
 change the $zipfile line to whatever URL or filesystem location you're
 going to put the .zip in. Then save, zip the folder and move the zip file
 into place.

 Now activate the plugin. You'll see it adds an admin page under the
 Settings menu where it dumps its log to screen.

 Then, to use it, just go to the plugin page, there should be the yellow
 "new version available" strip, so you can click the "upgrade
 automatically" link.

 So, if you run it without my patch, you'll see it pretty obviously run the
 deactivation hook and then the reactivation in the iframe. You can check
 the log dump page and see that deactivate() and activate() were called.
 With the patch, no activation/reactivation!

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14915#comment:8>
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