[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #13386: Add ability to filter the text "Enter title here" which appears within the title's input box

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Fri May 14 17:15:16 UTC 2010

#13386: Add ability to filter the text "Enter title here" which appears within the
title's input box
 Reporter:  goto10          |       Owner:     
     Type:  enhancement     |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:     
Component:  Administration  |     Version:  3.0
 Severity:  normal          |    Keywords:     

Comment(by goto10):

 Hi nacin,

 Thanks for the follow-up.

 For 1.) I think the "Enter title here" text works well for the UX.  Since
 the title is special, in that it is tied to the permalink functionality
 and is arguably needed for the post listing page, it seems that it is
 important to keep it around.  That is, unless new functionality is created
 for handling the changing of permalinks, etc.

 So, with things as they are, I do think there should be a system in place
 for re-purposing the title field, when it is necessary.  The methods you
 listed for changing the text are well and good, but extra considerations
 need to be made to ensure that these changes are only occurring on certain
 pages.  For instance, in my case, I've added a 'testimonials' post type.
 I want to change the title-prompt-text to "Enter name here" on my
 testimonials post type, but leave the default text on posts and pages.
 This is doable, but seems like a little more work than it should be.  For
 example, an extra option in register_post_type() for #title-prompt-text
 would be nice.

 ...And 2.) Well, I've done some further testing, and I am able to remove
 the title input box in beta 2 after all.  In previous tests, I had
 commented out all of the features from supports one by one, eventually
 ending up with an empty array of options.  Using 'supports' => array()
 will cause the title to show up, but  'supports' => array('editor') will
 hide the title in beta2.  This is probably another issue entirely, but it
 does seem to me that only options explicitly added to supports should show

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/13386#comment:2>
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