[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #14468: Shortcode usage causes blog texts to not be output
WordPress Trac
wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Fri Jul 30 10:07:11 UTC 2010
#14468: Shortcode usage causes blog texts to not be output
Reporter: cymric | Owner:
Type: defect (bug) | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Awaiting Review
Component: Shortcodes | Version: 3.0
Severity: normal | Keywords:
'''System configuration''': PHP 5.2.12 + Zend 2.2.0 running on SunOS 5.10;
Wordpress 3.0 + Atahualpa 3.4.4 / 'STRATO Default' 1.5 (= based largely on
Kubrick; STRATO is my webhost)
'''Problem''': adding the following code to the theme's functions.php
('foto' is Dutch for 'photo', 'fout' = 'error')
function shortcode_foto($atts, $content, $code)
return '<span style="color:
add_shortcode('foto', 'shortcode_foto');
and then using the shortcode [foto] in blogtext can result in the blog
text itself disappearing completely from the screen. It is simply not
output by Wordpress. The rest of the page looks normal, no missing
content, no CSS errors, comments (if there are any) appear normal. After
many trial and error I was able to create a text where the addition of a
''single'' letter to the last word in a very normal HTML-paragraph of text
means the difference between visible text and non-visible text.
'''Switching themes''': Switching to a different theme, taking care to
code the same few lines in the appropriate functions.php file, made no
difference. The test cases behaved identically: the post disappeared when
asked to view the text with one letter extra.
'''Using a different method of introducing the shortcode to Wordpress''':
Originally I wanted to have the code wrapped as a plugin. This already
caused the behaviour I reported above. Thinking the instantiation method
was awry I coded it in a different way, which made no difference. The
functions.php-approach is the third attempt to get the code working. At
this point I believe the problem is not related to how I hook the
shortcode into the system.
'''Using a different version of Wordpress''': Originally I started out
with WP 2.8.5 where the bug raised its head too. I upgraded to WP 3.0,
noticing but one difference: I could make the text slightly longer before
the problem was triggered.
'''Adding text before the first use of the shortcode''': I can add as much
text as I want to the texts before the moment I first use the shortcode
without triggering the problem. It is only ''after'' the shortcodes are
used that the issue appears.
'''Multiple uses of the shortcode''': I have some documents where the
shortcode is used more than the two times of the test cases (4 to 5
times), and those texts are rendered without problem.
'''Access to the test cases''': Since I'm still working on a trial blog,
copying over content from an older blog, I do not want to name the URL in
public just yet; also I've added some simple HTTP Auth protection. Please
contact me via email to get the necessary login information.
'''Possible causes''': For the moment I am not sure whether the problem
resides with WP or PHP. Unfortunately I cannot change the PHP interpreter.
Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14468>
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