[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #14451: RSS2 feed generates invalid category markup when 'default_feed' is 'atom'
WordPress Trac
wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Thu Jul 29 07:47:39 UTC 2010
#14451: RSS2 feed generates invalid category markup when 'default_feed' is 'atom'
Reporter: benward | Owner: benward
Type: defect (bug) | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Awaiting Review
Component: Feeds | Version: 3.0
Severity: normal | Keywords: feeds, rss2, default_feed, atom
If you override the 'default_feed' filter to return 'atom' (to make Atom
format feeds the WordPress default at /feed/), the RSS2 format is broken
because it does not explicitly declare 'rss2' as its category format,
instead implying the default from `get_default_feed()` in
`get_the_category_rss()`. When 'default_feed' is set to 'atom', Atom
formatted categories are returned in RSS.
Attached is a one line patch for feed-rss2.php, which explicitly declares
the format when including categories.
(Credit for this catch to my colleague Michael Lodick at Yahoo, whose feed
importer I broke with the format religiosity that exposed this bug.)
Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14451>
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