[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #14359: Support loading mu_plugins from subdirectories

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Tue Jul 20 05:42:45 UTC 2010

#14359: Support loading mu_plugins from subdirectories
 Reporter:  benward      |       Owner:  benward                          
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                              
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review                  
Component:  Plugins      |     Version:  3.0                              
 Severity:  normal       |    Keywords:  plugins, mu_plugins, subdirectory
 Aim: Enhance the load_mu_plugins mechanism to support loading plugins from
 inside subdirectories in `WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR`, in both initialization and
 plugins administration interface.

 Why: We (Yahoo, hello) are making substantial use of the `mu-plugins`
 mechanism to extend WordPress functionality at a deployment level, adding
 core product/instance functionality to a as part of the code deployment,
 rather than features that are enabled through the GUI. (e.g.
 Authentication, custom input filtering, integration with low level options
 configuration systems we have.) Each such enhancement is modular, and some
 wrap additional libraries, so all of our ‘must-use’ plugins are packaged
 in separate directories. WordPress, as of now, does not load must-use
 plugins from subdirectories.

 Thus, we have one root must-use plugin that recursively loads plugins from
 subdirectories. This has the disadvantage that those sub-directory plugins
 then aren't listed in the Plugins UI, and it's all a bit of a hack.

 I'm working on a patch to improve the mu-plugin loading to support single-
 subdirectory loading, _similar_ to regular plugins. The components of this

   1. Patch `wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:get_plugins()` to accept
 `$plugin_root` as a parameter—either `WP_PLUGIN_DIR` or
 `WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR`—and build a cache key using that path rather than fixed
 `plugins` key.
   2. Patch `wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:get_mu_plugins()` to call
 `get_plugins()` specifying `WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR` as the `$plugin_root`. This
 loads subdirectory plugins with details into the admin UI.
   3. From `wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:get_plugins()` refactor the
 recursive directory listing code into a non-admin `get_plugins()` method
 in `wp-includes/load.php`, since it is needed to load the mu-plugins.
   4. Patch `load.php:wp_get_mu_plugins()` to grab plugin files from
 `WPMU_PLUGINS_DIR` and subdirectories, using refactoring file-listing
 function from \#3.

 In writing this I quickly hit on why WordPress treats mu-plugins so simply
 already: Regular plugins are examined for metadata to check their
 validity, regardless of filename, and then active plugins are stored as an
 option and cached. Since must-use plugins are not stored in an option, and
 since caching is not a default feature of WordPress, mu-plugin loading
 cannot require calling `/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:get_plugin_data()`
 on every load. As such, I'm currently working with a new, but I think more
 reasonable structure limitation for mu-plugins: That the main file for a
 subdirectory-based mu-plugin must be named the same as its containing
 directory: That is, the `./yahoo_example` plugin must be initialized by
 `./yahoo_example/yahoo_example.php`. This pattern seems to match how many
 plugins already package themselves anyway.

 That said, I am interested to hear other suggestions on how to load from
 mu_plugins without introducing a performance hit.

 I'm posting this bug to describe my fix. I'm testing the patch at present
 and will attach it for review/comment after a couple of immediate kinks
 are ironed out.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14359>
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