[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #12826: AJAXifying WP Admin Panel interface
WordPress Trac
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Sat Apr 3 02:57:06 UTC 2010
#12826: AJAXifying WP Admin Panel interface
Reporter: meheranandk | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Release
Component: General | Version:
Severity: normal | Keywords:
Codex tools: Log in / create account
* 1 Google Summer of Code 2010
o 1.1 Ideas
+ 1.1.1 Dashboard "Setup Completion" Module
+ 1.1.2 Bug Tracker!
+ 1.1.3 Add AJAX Paging to Admin Screens
+ 1.1.4 Sort by Columns
+ 1.1.5 Blog Import/Export
+ 1.1.6 Template Versioning
+ 1.1.7 Comment Moderation
+ 1.1.8 Media
+ 1.1.9 Move WordPress
+ 1.1.10 Enhance Profiles.WordPress.org
+ 1.1.11 Full-Throttle Trac Annihilation
+ 1.1.12 Progress Bars
+ 1.1.13 BuddyPress
+ 1.1.14 GlotPress
+ 1.1.15 bbPress
+ 1.1.16 Other Ideas
o 1.2 Mentors
+ 1.2.1 Drop-in Mentors
o 1.3 How to Apply
o 1.4 See Also
Google Summer of Code 2010
Howdy Students! Though we are just getting started with our materials for
2010, you can get a head start by checking out information from previous
years. Please see our GSoC 2010 Application Template, and last year's
ideas. The very best way to up your chances of being selected for a
project is to start learning the WordPress code base now, get familiar
with the development process, and submit a couple of patches so we can get
an idea of your abilities. We've also listed some resources for getting
started on our GSoC home page.
Note: Ideas should only added to this page by approved mentors, as they
can only be taken on with a mentor to supervise. If you would like to
propose an idea for a student to do, please suggest it to the core team to
see if it's something they want to pursue (try wp-hackers,
wpdevel.wordpress.com, or the IRC chat at irc.freenode.net #wordpress-gsoc
or #wordpress-dev). If you want to propose ideas for WordPress in general,
please do so at the Ideas forum.
If you have your own idea for a project, include it in your application
and describe it thoroughly.
Know you want to propose a GSoC project around WordPress, but aren't sure
what you want to do? Below are a few ideas we think would work well as
GSoC projects. Also see the popular ideas submitted by members of the
WordPress community. If you share one of their passions, why not make that
idea your own? Also, check out the ideas from last year.
Dashboard "Setup Completion" Module
This is an idea that's been suggested many times and it never seems to
make it into a release. We'd love for someone to take this one. When you
first set up a WordPress site, there are certain steps you have to go
through. Pick a theme, change your password, edit your tagline, choose
your comment settings, etc. It would be great if on the Dashboard screen
there was a module that kept track of how many of these things you've
done, and marked off your progress, much as LinkedIn does when you set up
a profile. Each successive login would offer the user an option to
finish/enhance their site setup by completing another thing(s) they
haven't gotten around to yet.
Bug Tracker!
Have you ever wished for a bug tracker that was built on WordPress? Every
now and then when we feel pain using Trac, we look around but never see
anything better. Some of the core contributors think that a very decent
issue tracking system could be built on WordPress, allowing us to have
complete control over the tool we use to manage the development of our,
well, publishing tool. Some features would include creating tickets,
assigning owners and reviewers, milestones, etc. (look at our Trac setup
to see what we've got now). We'd need SVN tie in for commits as well.
Depending on the scope of the project, someone else could write the SVN
part if you just write the bug tracking application on WP.
Add AJAX Paging to Admin Screens
Something we've never gotten around to is adding AJAX paging to the list-
type screens (edit.php, etc). Currently, getting to the next page of items
means a screen refresh. For this project, add ajax paging to all the list-
type screens in the WordPress admin. We have all the underlying PHP, but
it needs some JavaScript love.
Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/12826>
WordPress Trac <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/>
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