[wp-trac] Re: [WordPress Trac] #9849: Tweaks/Improvements for
Manage Plugins page
WordPress Trac
wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Wed Jun 10 11:02:15 GMT 2009
#9849: Tweaks/Improvements for Manage Plugins page
Reporter: demetris | Owner: janeforshort
Type: enhancement | Status: reopened
Priority: normal | Milestone: 2.9
Component: UI | Version: 2.8
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: has-patch 2nd-opinion |
Comment(by demetris):
In my opinion, this should be a blocker for 2.8. In particular, the two
issues I focused on in my last comment:
1. Now we highlight inactive plugins, instead of active ones. This does
not make sense.
2. Now we display upgrade notices on a gray background, while the rest of
WordPress and the rest of the world use yellow for such notices.
I don’t think these two issues should wait for a design contest. They do
not present any serious challenge. Even *I* could fix them. :-)
Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/9849#comment:25>
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