[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #10390: attachments should store the WP uploads path that was configured when they were uploaded

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Wed Jul 15 20:24:49 UTC 2009

#10390: attachments should store the WP uploads path that was configured when they
were uploaded
 Reporter:  Denis-de-Bernardy  |       Owner:       
     Type:  enhancement        |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal             |   Milestone:  2.9  
Component:  Media              |     Version:  2.8.1
 Severity:  normal             |    Keywords:       

Comment(by Denis-de-Bernardy):

 Replying to [comment:1 azaozz]:
 > You mean change the uploads directory without moving the previously
 uploaded files so there are two different upload directories?

 Pretty much so, yeah. Site is currently using wp-content/uploads, and I
 was looking into changing that to media. So one old upload directory, and
 a new one. If we store the "current" uploads directory (e.g. wp-
 content/uploads) as a meta, we fix this.

 > It seems the more common user case is to move the uploads directory to a
 new location. In that case galleries continue to work properly (as long as
 the sub-dirs are kept intact) but the inserted images in older posts need
 to be corrected.

 Right. Hence the suggestion, which would kill two birds in one stone.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10390#comment:2>
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