[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #10145: Tango/GNOME smilies in core

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Fri Jul 10 09:05:05 UTC 2009

#10145: Tango/GNOME smilies in core
 Reporter:  jdub         |        Owner:          
     Type:  enhancement  |       Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal       |    Milestone:  2.9     
Component:  Formatting   |      Version:  2.8     
 Severity:  normal       |   Resolution:          
 Keywords:  has-patch    |  

Comment(by xibe):

 Replying to [comment:13 otto42]:
 > Not worked up, just highly disappointed that these made it into core
 without any sort of discussion, voting, anything whatsoever.


 Newcomers will most probably be happy with the new set. Old-timers will
 probably not be too happy with it, what with habits and everything. Since
 by definition there are more old-timers than newcomers, are dare say
 putting this in core unilaterally is a call for a slap.

 Otto is right in that the content *is* changed without even asking about
 it. Moreover, it seems the new ones are larger/higher than the old ones,
 which brings the other problem of those who careful created a theme where
 the text height fits nicely with the smiley's. Way to break some theme,

 If said "vocal minority can install the old set through a plugin", why
 make it a pain for old-timers, when those unhappy with the old set
 (another vocal minority, for sure) can  all the same install the existing
 plugin by jdub? Why break it when you can extend it? Surely this remains
 plugin territory.

 I'm all for:
   1) removing the new ones from core and putting the old ones instead, at
 least for now;
   2) creating a poll and announcing it on the devblog, just as was the
 case for the whole 2.7 process. It'd be nice to gather more GPL sets
 rather having to choose between only two sets.

 Additionally, how about putting both in core, and it leaving it to the
 end-users to choose whichever they prefer through a new option in the
 admin - the unzipping plugin is 108 Kb big, surely it's not too much of
 hassle to add it...

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10145#comment:21>
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