[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #10337: Easier embeds for 2.9 (oEmbed perhaps?)

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Thu Dec 17 14:32:49 UTC 2009

#10337: Easier embeds for 2.9  (oEmbed perhaps?)
 Reporter:  ryan                     |        Owner:  Viper007Bond
     Type:  task (blessed)           |       Status:  closed      
 Priority:  normal                   |    Milestone:  2.9         
Component:  Shortcodes               |      Version:              
 Severity:  normal                   |   Resolution:  fixed       
 Keywords:  has-patch needs-testing  |  

Comment(by Otto42):

 Replying to [comment:74 Viper007Bond]:
 > We're saving people from themselves. It's not "crippled" as you call it,
 it's just limited to a whitelist so the novice user doesn't screw
 themselves over.

 Limiting it to a whitelist of sites is what makes it "crippled". The whole
 point of oEmbed is to not be limited to selected sites, but to work with
 any site.

 Without discovery, oEmbed is basically unnecessary, you can just use a
 plugin to add compatibility for each site using whatever methods that site

 > If a user happened to paste the URL to something on my blog on it's own
 line and unhyperlinked, I could easily make that URL turn into a bit of
 code that'd steal their login cookies without them ever knowing. Then I'd
 have full access to their blog.

 There's better ways. Even says so in the oEmbed document itself:
 "Consumers may wish to load the HTML in an off-domain iframe to avoid XSS

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10337#comment:75>
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