[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #5721: Future posts published with
Windows Live Writer are scheduled for incorrect time.
WordPress Trac
wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Fri Jan 25 17:42:05 GMT 2008
#5721: Future posts published with Windows Live Writer are scheduled for incorrect
Reporter: markjaquith | Owner: anonymous
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 2.5
Component: XML-RPC | Version: 2.3.2
Severity: normal | Keywords:
WP GMT Offset: -05
1. Compose post in Windows Live Writer
1. Set publish time to 1 hour in the future
1. Publish
1. View "Manage > Posts" and verify that publish time is correct (it is).
1. View "Dashboard" and note that pseudo cron has the post scheduled to
"fire" in 6 hours.
Tried with a few other times, and it seems to be [Publish Time] - [GMT
Tried on WordPress.com and the post failed to publish (can't see the
scheduled time on the dashboard).
I couldn't trigger this bug with MarsEdit (which uses a different API).
I'm leaning towards this being a WLW bug, but it's strange that the
publish time would be right but the cron time wouldn't.
This is also another reason why our pseudo cron implementation needs a re-
work... you shouldn't be able to schedule a post to publish at any time
other than its publish date!
Ticket URL: <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5721>
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