[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #5796: Viewing a post in HTML editing mode results in enetity encoded html being non-encoded

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Fri Feb 8 04:11:48 GMT 2008

#5796: Viewing a post in HTML editing mode results in enetity encoded html being
 Reporter:  DD32     |       Owner:  anonymous  
     Type:  defect   |      Status:  new        
 Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  2.6        
Component:  TinyMCE  |     Version:  2.5        
 Severity:  normal   |    Keywords:  needs-patch
 '''Steps to reproduce:'''
   1. Create a new post in Visual Editor, Enter some text, Include some
 HTML in the Visual view (That you expect to be visible in the blog post as
   1. Switch to HTML view, Notice that the HTML is entity encoded as
   1. Save the post (You can replace the above steps with editing a
 previous post with HTML in it too, as long as WordPress will default to
 opening in the HTML mode)
   1. !WordPress remembers that you prefer the HTML mode, and loads up in
 that mode. Notice the HTML is no longer encoded
   1. Switch back to the Visual editor, Notice that now the previously
 entity-encoded HTML is being treated as inline HTML, Ie. <a
 href="">link</a> shown in the visual editor, will now appear as a Link.
   1. Saving the post now will result in the HTML being posted as HTML,
 rather than entity-encoded HTML

 In both cases !WordPress prints the code the same: (Mind you, HTML mode
 doesnt have the <p> tags)
 <textarea class='' rows='25' cols='40' name='content' tabindex='2'
 id='content'><p>This is an example of HTML</p>
 <p>&amp;lt;a href="Testty"&amp;gt;Test Link&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;</p>

Ticket URL: <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5796>
WordPress Trac <http://trac.wordpress.org/>
WordPress blogging software

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