[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #6681: Style lost in feed
WordPress Trac
wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Fri Apr 11 15:08:48 GMT 2008
#6681: Style lost in feed
Reporter: andrewjorgensen | Owner: anonymous
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 2.7
Component: TinyMCE | Version: 2.5
Severity: major | Keywords:
Beginning with 2.5 if I insert an image and change it's alignment to
"right" using TinyMCE it adds a "float: right;" setting to a style
attribute and "alignright" to the class attribute. This has the effect of
changing the alignment of the image in wordpress but the rss feed
generator strips out the class and style attributes so that the image is
default justified instead.
Wherever possible standard html should be used within the post content so
that formatting remains when the feed is viewed in a feed reader or
aggregator. A feed reader will not have access to the style information.
Even if the style and class attributes were not stripped the reader
wouldn't have the stylesheet and the reader software may not know how to
interpret the style attribute.
This can be worked around by manually adding the align="right" attribute
to the img element.
If formatting specific to the align="right" case is desired by the theme
author she should use, for example, img[align="right"] as the selector in
the stylesheet rather than an alignright class. Using a selector in this
way as opposed to a class will also cause the stylesheet propertied to be
applied to posts written before the alignright class was used. See
Ticket URL: <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6681>
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