[wp-trac] Re: [WordPress Trac] #3742: Future dated posts not
WordPress Trac
wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Wed Jun 20 17:58:49 GMT 2007
#3742: Future dated posts not publishing
Reporter: fleety | Owner: anonymous
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 2.4 (future)
Component: Administration | Version: 2.2
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: future dated posts |
Comment (by johnmarkschofield):
Replying to [comment:18 intoxination]:
> Ahh Sorry about that. Someone posted when I did and it screwed me up.
> In /wp-cron.php, comment out the following lines:
> {{{
> if ( $_GET['check'] != wp_hash('187425') )
> exit;
> }}}
> Then try to call wp-cron.php from your browser and see if that works.
To make sure I did the edits properly (I'm not fluent in PHP), here's my
wp-cron.php file:
[me at sudosublog /home/htdocs]$ cat wp-cron.php
define('DOING_CRON', TRUE);
// if ( $_GET['check'] != wp_hash('187425') )
// exit;
if ( get_option('doing_cron') > time() )
update_option('doing_cron', time() + 30);
$crons = _get_cron_array();
$keys = array_keys($crons);
if (!is_array($crons) || $keys[0] > time())
foreach ($crons as $timestamp => $cronhooks) {
if ($timestamp > time()) break;
foreach ($cronhooks as $hook => $keys) {
foreach ($keys as $key => $args) {
$schedule = $args['schedule'];
if ($schedule != false) {
$new_args = array($timestamp, $schedule,
$hook, $args['args']);
call_user_func_array('wp_reschedule_event', $new_args);
wp_unschedule_event($timestamp, $hook,
do_action_ref_array($hook, $args['args']);
update_option('doing_cron', 0);
[me at sudosublog /home/htdocs]$
Ticket URL: <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3742#comment:20>
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