[wp-trac] Re: [WordPress Trac] #3794: Generate post_title based on
WordPress Trac
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Fri Feb 16 17:14:12 GMT 2007
#3794: Generate post_title based on post_content
Reporter: Justinsomnia | Owner: markjaquith
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: 2.2
Component: General | Version: 2.1
Severity: normal | Resolution:
Keywords: has-patch |
Comment (by Otto42):
Replying to [comment:11 justinsomnia]:
>Just for fun, you might be curious to know that the Atom spec sez:
"atom:entry elements MUST contain exactly one atom:title element."
Yes, well, I've disabled atom on my blog anyway, so that doesn't much
concern me. Atom is dead except for Google using it. :P
> I am curious though, Otto, what would this break for you?
Err.. The ability to write posts without titles? Seems fairly obvious. ;-)
I just don't necessarily think a "title" should be a required part of a
post. I can see cases where you could write untitled posts and thus have
no title show up and that be desired behavior. Okay, that's a little emo I
suppose, but still... It doesn't seem like an edge case to have title-less
Given that the original request complained about the post-name being ugly,
it seems to me that the solution should address that directly instead of
making it pretty by forcing a post title that the user may not want. It's
not necessarily desirable behavior to always have a post title, and having
to use a hack/workaround to allow blank titles seems silly.
I also object to the implementation given, however if the thing was turned
into a filter which could be easily disabled, I would not have nearly as
much of a problem with it.
> I'd planned on creating a plugin to accomplish this, but I wanted title
generation to occur in the same way that post slugs do,
Which is a good reason to have a filter acting here and allow different
plugins to access it that way, allowing for differing implementations.
Ticket URL: <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3794#comment:12>
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