[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #7716: Need clear definition of Explicit Consent for Plugin Guidelines

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Sat Jul 13 20:39:38 UTC 2024

#7716: Need clear definition of Explicit Consent for Plugin Guidelines
 Reporter:  drubonil          |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement       |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  lowest            |   Milestone:
Component:  Plugin Directory  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                    |

Comment (by josklever):

 I agree that overly detailed guidelines increase the risk that people will
 keep finding holes in the rules. So the rules should be as general as

 The big issue here is that plugins don't get the same treatment. Often
 small(er) plugins get temporarily closed for violating the rules, many
 times they are small and unintentionally. On the other hand very big
 plugins and companies owning many plugins (or themes) get away without any
 action, because nobody dares to speak up to them or they are afraid to get

 So the guidelines should be followed more. Not only for what's written in
 detail, but how the rules were intended. See it like this: if the rules
 say "be nice" you don't have to ban all swear words one by one.

 In this case plugin authors/owners are taking advantage of users by
 choosing default options, that are beneficial for these plugin
 authors/owners instead of their users. That's not how it should be and it
 will cost them their reputation. And sooner or later they might get law
 suites. Big companies like Google, Facebook/Meta and Amazon have already
 been fined for billions.

 So I hope the plugins team will do what's best for the users and at the
 same time help the plugin authors/owners escape big fines. It would be a

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7716#comment:8>
Making WordPress.org <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/>
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