[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #7175: User Meta for Memorial Accounts

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Nov 27 02:43:04 UTC 2023

#7175: User Meta for Memorial Accounts
 Reporter:  mrfoxtalbot     |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  task (blessed)  |      Status:  closed
 Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:
Component:  General         |  Resolution:  fixed
 Keywords:                  |

Comment (by dufresnesteven):

 The front-end component has also been deployed now. That will be pulled
 from the database.

 Any updates or improvements to this feature can be logged in the theme's

 Thanks everyone!

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7175#comment:7>
Making WordPress.org <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/>
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