[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #6945: Create Props Block for Make Blogs and Deverloper Blog

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Tue May 16 07:50:26 UTC 2023

#6945: Create Props Block for Make Blogs and Deverloper Blog
 Reporter:  bph                                      |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement                              |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                                   |   Milestone:
Component:  Make (Get Involved) / P2                 |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  dev-feedback good-first-bug needs-patch  |

Comment (by gaambo):

 I'm interested in giving this a go, but have some questions:
 1. How are props linked at the moment? Are links added to the usernames
 manually or somehow automatically - and if automatically on rendering or
 on saving?
 2. "Extends the Paragraph block" - So at the moment is this just a normal
 paragraph block? That means that usernames and their roles are just
 written as text and usernames would have to be parsed out of the text
 (probably by a regex)
 3. If we extend the paragraph block, we would probably just add a toggle
 to the paragraph block to enable "props syncing" or something like that.
 4. I'd actually think a custom block "Props" which uses the RichText
 component and opts into some block supports (colors, typography,...) would
 be clearer and not polute the paragraph block (which is used a lot in the
 posts). But you as the editors using that probably have a better
 understanding of that.
 5. I'm thinking about where to call the add_activity function. A server-
 side callback on save_post would be one option. This would be another case
 where a custom block is easier, because we'd just have to check if this
 custom block exists in the post. If a paragraph block is used we'd have to
 loop through all the paragraph blocks and check if it has the "props sync"
 attribute enabled.  Another option would be to call a custom REST API
 endpoint when the block editor publishes the post. But that means it only
 works on edits through the block editor - I don't know if there are any
 edits that could happen via REST API or the WordPress mobile app? If yes,
 we'd need the save_post hook as well.
 6. We'd somehow need to save the props that we already sent as activity to
 .org, so when someone updates the post  - and maybe adds new props or
 deletes some, we can compare them and only sync those. Probably the
 easiest way would be to store the props that were already handled in a
 postmeta field.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6945#comment:4>
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