[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #6834: Support Forums: Require a reason when flagging a user

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Mon Mar 6 17:03:14 UTC 2023

#6834: Support Forums: Require a reason when flagging a user
 Reporter:  Clorith         |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement     |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:
Component:  Support Forums  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                  |

Comment (by mrfoxtalbot):

 I like the idea.

 The main scenario where I see these notes being useful is when we leave a
 reply in a thread, and then archive the reply (sometimes alongside the
 entire thread). In these cases, we are relying on the user receiving (and
 seeing) the email to understand that a) they violated a guideline and b)
 that (maybe) they have been flagged.

 Very often (and this happened to me once), they will not receive this
 email and instead all they will see is that their comment/thread got
 removed and they are now flagged.

 Changing this process from “disposable replies” to “persistent private
 notes” feels like a good move towards clarity. In fact, if we included
 some information alongside the note linking to the guideline that was
 infringed and explaining what steps need to be taken for the flag to be
 lifted, we could reduce the number of users coming into the #forums
 channel asking what happened and how they can fix it.

 @Clorith, I recall you mentioned that these notes would display who added
 them only to other moderators. Are you still planning do this? If so,
 users not being able to see what specific moderator added the note would
 contribute towards anonymity and prevent personal attacks.

 >  A user should not know they’re flagged by moderators, at all.

 @Otto42, I am not sure I agree (or maybe I do not fully understand). They
 way I see it, if a user violates a guideline because they are unaware of
 it, pointing them in the right direction would reduce misunderstandings
 and encourage them to continue contributing.

 On the other hand, I see what @fierevere says in terms of not wanting to
 leave notes in some scenarios. What would be some cases where leaving
 notes would be counterproductive?

 This is promising, thanks again @Clorith!

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6834#comment:7>
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