[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #7105: Create a Contribute page on make.wordpress.org to host the Contributor Orientation Tool

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Fri Jun 30 17:14:04 UTC 2023

#7105: Create a Contribute page on make.wordpress.org to host the Contributor
Orientation Tool
 Reporter:  SeReedMedia               |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  feature request           |      Status:  new
 Priority:  high                      |   Milestone:
Component:  Make (Get Involved) / P2  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                            |

Comment (by SeReedMedia):

 Okay, ALL great points @dd32! Thank you for taking the time to explain

 WE was actually meant to refer to the Meta team (I think I qualify now
 lol)! But I understand how that was unclear and that I did not demonstrate
 a clear line of "need".

 Regarding "need" ... the Contribute tab is BLESSED and barring any last
 minute problems, it **will** be including in the 6.3 release!

 However, there is currently no landing page that is sufficient for the
 "Contribute" Call to Action! So when I say "need" ... the 6.3 Release
 Squad really does **need** it to be created, so that the Contribute Tab
 can be implemented properly.

 It is especially important because this is a brand new tab and if people
 click it, even just out of curiosity, we don't want to have them reach a
 dead end (aka the Make home page). We need those interested people to have
 a way to come participate.

 So for a more appropriate request:

 **The 6.3 Release Squad in collaboration with the Make Marketing Team
 requests that the Meta Team create a "Contribute" page on
 make.wordpress.org (make.wordpress.org/contribute) to hold the Contributor
 Orientation Tool, which will then be used as the landing page for the
 primary Call to Action from the Blessed Task
 [https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23348#comment:76] that is the new
 Contribute Tab in the WordPress Admin Dashboard About page.**

 Replying to [comment:6 dd32]:
 > > **We need** to create a "Contribute" page on make.wordpress.org:
 > (emphasis mine)
 > Who is "We" here - it's unclear as to whether this is something that has
 been "approved" by anyone, or if this is a request from the marketing team
 / team reps / WordCamp organisers / etc.
 > "Need" is also a very direct word, 'we need' is highly distinct from
 something like 'I propose', 'Team X suggests', 'Out of _this_
 conversation, we agreed that', etc.
 > As I'm sure everyone knows, there's a lot of competing ideas within the
 WordPress community and different teams, sometimes it's hard to
 distinguish where requests are coming from and how much weight should be
 given to the requesters high-priority task.
 > What's High priority to one team may be low to another, etc, and among
 the Meta team it may be entirely different yet again.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7105#comment:11>
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