[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #7213: GlotPress project not re-activated after a theme is unsuspended

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Aug 17 03:40:22 UTC 2023

#7213: GlotPress project not re-activated after a theme is unsuspended
 Reporter:  dd32             |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect (bug)     |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal           |  Milestone:
Component:  Theme Directory  |   Keywords:
 [https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RP50LK/p1692239216155899 As
 reported in Slack] by @kafleg, a theme may be listed as inactive on
 translate.wordpress.org when the following conditions are met:
 1. The theme is suspended (temporarily)
 2. The theme is marked as published again
 3. The theme receives no further updates

 Upon a theme being suspended, we mark it as inactive in GlotPress, but
 upon the theme moving from suspend to publish, we don't make the same

 If a new version of the theme is submitted, that marks the theme as active
 in GlotPress.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7213>
Making WordPress.org <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/>
Making WordPress.org

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