[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #7182: Alphabetize rejection list in Photos

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Mon Aug 7 21:00:47 UTC 2023

#7182: Alphabetize rejection list in Photos
 Reporter:  topher1kenobe    |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal           |   Milestone:
Component:  Photo Directory  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                   |

Comment (by coffee2code):

 @topher1kenobe: Do you think it would be better to alphabetize the
 existing list, or to alphabetize the list after prepending each with a
 one-word token. The former would look like:

 Do not reject
 Collage or composite image
 Contains human face(s)
 Duplicate or minor variation of submitted photo
 Image subject matter
 Insufficient image quality (e.g. blurriness, composition, lighting, lens
 Not a photo (e.g. screenshot, digital art)
 Overlays, watermark, borders, or other additions
 Potential copyright/ownership infringement
 Potentially violates privacy
 Predominantly another piece of art
 Predominantly text
 Prominent branding
 Reason specified below
 Submission error
 Violence, gore, hate, or sexual content

 And the latter would look like:

 Do not reject
 [Anothers Art] Predominantly another piece of art
 [Branding] Prominent branding
 [Collage] Collage or composite image
 [Copyright] Potential copyright/ownership infringement
 [Error] Submission error
 [Extreme] Violence, gore, hate, or sexual content
 [Faces] Contains human face(s)
 [Not Photo] Not a photo (e.g. screenshot, digital art)
 [Other]Reason specified below
 [Overlays] Overlays, watermark, borders, or other additions
 [Overprocessed] Overprocessed
 [Privacy] Potentially violates privacy
 [Quality] Insufficient image quality (e.g. blurriness, composition,
 lighting, lens issues)
 [Subject] Image subject matter
 [Text] Predominantly text
 [Variation] Duplicate or minor variation of submitted photo

 And if the brackets are too much noise, this example show colons and

 Do not reject
 Anothers Art: Predominantly another piece of art
 Branding: Prominent branding
 Collage: Collage or composite image
 Copyright: Potential copyright/ownership infringement
 Error: Submission error
 Extreme: Violence, gore, hate, or sexual content
 Faces: Contains human face(s)
 Not Photo: Not a photo (e.g. screenshot, digital art)
 Other - Reason specified below
 Overlays - Overlays, watermark, borders, or other additions
 Overprocessed - Overprocessed
 Privacy - Potentially violates privacy
 Quality - Insufficient image quality (e.g. blurriness, composition,
 lighting, lens issues)
 Subject - Image subject matter
 Text - Predominantly text
 Variation - Duplicate or minor variation of submitted photo

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7182#comment:2>
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