[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #7168: Provide a view of the pending review queue, and allow for removal

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Aug 1 12:34:47 UTC 2023

#7168: Provide a view of the pending review queue, and allow for removal
 Reporter:  dartiss           |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  feature request   |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal            |  Milestone:
Component:  Plugin Directory  |   Keywords:
 At the moment, when submitting a plugin for addition to the directory, you
 can see how many are in the queue and an approximate wait time.

 I recently submitted a ticket and there were hundreds ahead and a wait
 time of over 60 days. My plugin embeds Threads into a WordPress site -
 code that I wrote hot after Threads was first released. Right now, it
 doesn't have an API so there is no oEmbed option. That could change any

 So, the 60 days wait time may not play in my favour and I might need to
 withdraw it if things change in the meantime. Also, I suspect I'm not the
 only person with this idea and, for all I know, there are a dozen other
 plugins in that queue that do the same thing.

 For me, it would make sense for developers to be able to see what is in
 the queue to give us a better idea of whether we want to proceed. When
 something new comes out which WordPress can integrate with in some way,
 there is often a rush of developers wanting to develop for it and you end
 up with half a dozen plugins all doing the same thing (although I suspect
 many of these would end up being rejected for just this reason). My plugin
 was developed for a WordPress VIP customer, so it not being in the
 directory wasn't a concern for me - if I'd been able to see the queue and
 knew other such plugins were in it, I wouldn't have submitted it.

 So, the ask is two-fold, based on the above...

 1. Provide a list of what is in the queue, for any developers thinking of
 submitting theirs
 2. If the developer in question has something in the list, show a button
 alongside it, allowing them to withdraw their plugin from it

 The latter is for any that have a change-of-heart about the submission or
 want to make some further changes before submitting again - it may just
 save the plugin team some time, rather than having to do this all via
 email conversations (which, I'm assuming, is how that this happens now).

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/7168>
Making WordPress.org <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/>
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