[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #6938: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks: Unique Badge Event

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Wed Apr 19 20:33:56 UTC 2023

#6938: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks: Unique Badge Event
 Reporter:  meaganhanes         |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  feature request     |     Status:  new
 Priority:  high                |  Milestone:
Component:  WordPress.org Site  |   Keywords:
 It would be engaging and fun to have a commemorative badge for
 participating in #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks campaign on WordPress.org.
 This would encourage participation and be a fun way to commemorate #WP20
 forever. The process could be used for future WordPress anniversaries,
 projects (e.g. do_action hackathons), or events (regional WordCamps), on
 the theory that badges increase community participation, strengthen
 contributor community, and create unique opportunities. Currently, there
 is no official way to demonstrate participation (in #WP20 or other
 events), so this could also provide an opportunity for increased
 contribution in community events and initiatives.

 There are no current means or methods for granting non-team badges to dot-
 org contributors. Additionally, it's not easy to create one-off badges
 assigned to people and have it done in a way that supports future

 There are many avenues possible for badge assignment. One proposed
 solution is to create a pseudo-team for commemorative badges, perhaps
 called “Unique Participation”, that has an existing process. We can
 retroactively identify participation via existing commenting data and
 timestamps. If we run into issues on implementation, the fallback can be
 activity log entries.

 The badges should be fully inclusive and open to many forms of
 participation, including code, design, and photography, in order to ensure
 the badge is not exclusionary to those who do not want to express their
 thoughts in a prescribed format. Other methods of reflection can be
 encouraged, such as abstract art, videography, audiography, and other
 expression form such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB5gaJloeRU. We
 can expand the definition of participation as necessary as other methods
 are identified.

 By default, this might set a precedent of the community wanting badges for
 more things outside of the existing team badge structure. That could be
 mitigated by undertaking the project as a single occurrence, proof-of-
 concept experiment, observing its impact on the desired results to see if
 the badge process helped or hindered the goals of awareness and

 We do not need to have badges on profiles on May 27th, but it can be a
 promised badge so that the technical implementation doesn’t need to be
 rushed. If the proposed “Unique Participation” team concept works, that
 can be implemented with existing processes. If the process is determined
 not to work, the “Unique Participation” team can be sunsetted.

 In discussing this idea casually amongst friends made throughout the
 WordPress project, all are in agreement that this would only help the
 community reflect and re-engage after the challenging years we’ve had.
 It’s worth exploring the logistical issues and technical barriers, and
 resolving to facilitate the community that makes WordPress unique, if the
 community believes this is of value.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6938>
Making WordPress.org <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/>
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