[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #5779: theme.json strings not extracted for translation

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Fri Oct 22 13:52:16 UTC 2021

#5779: theme.json strings not extracted for translation
 Reporter:  oandregal                 |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  task                      |      Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal                    |   Milestone:
Component:  Translate Site & Plugins  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                            |
Changes (by oandregal):

 * status:  closed => reopened
 * resolution:  fixed =>


 @ocean90 I was checking this and wanted to share that this is working for
 WordPress core but it isn't for plugins and themes.

 - WordPress core. It should show up for translation the strings whose key
 is "name" under the following sections: [https://github.com/WordPress
 /wordpress-develop/blob/master/src/wp-includes/theme.json#L12 duotone],
 includes/theme.json#L54 gradients], [https://github.com/WordPress
 /wordpress-develop/blob/master/src/wp-includes/theme.json#L54 palette],
 includes/theme.json#L54 fontSizes]. I've
 searched for theme.json] and all the values show up on the translate site

 - Plugins. Checked for the Gutenberg plugin. It should show up for
 translation the strings whose key is "name" under the following sections:
 fontSizes]. I've [https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-
 searched for theme.json] and what I see is that only the font size names
 and two colors show up on the translation site.

 - Themes. Checked for TT1-blocks. It should show up for translation the
 strings whose key is "name" under the following sections:
 experiments/blob/master/tt1-blocks/theme.json#L16 palette],
 experiments/blob/master/tt1-blocks/theme.json#L68 gradients],
 experiments/blob/master/tt1-blocks/theme.json#L117 fontSizes],
 experiments/blob/master/tt1-blocks/theme.json#L154 fontFamilies]. It
 should also show the string whose key is "title" under the the
 experiments/blob/master/tt1-blocks/theme.json#L349 customTemplates]
 section. I've [https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-
 searched for theme.json] and what I see is that no value is shown on the
 translation site.

 The [https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5779#comment:8 PR to implement
 this in wp-cli] landed a while ago but the wp-cli version that contains it
 (2.5.1) hasn't been released yet. Thought I'd mention it, although I don't
 know if that's what's happening here or there's any other issue at play.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/5779#comment:10>
Making WordPress.org <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/>
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