[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #2849: Improve the sessions list on the speakers bio page

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Mon Jun 5 23:17:45 UTC 2017

#2849: Improve the sessions list on the speakers bio page
 Reporter:  Kau-Boy                  |       Owner:  coreymckrill
     Type:  enhancement              |      Status:  accepted
 Priority:  normal                   |   Milestone:
Component:  WordCamp Site & Plugins  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  has-patch dev-feedback   |

Comment (by iandunn):

 Replying to [comment:3 coreymckrill]:
 > Couldn't we keep the `<ul id="speaker-session-names">` wrapper and add
 the additional divs, etc. inside the `<li>` tags?

 That would be my first instinct, too.

 Replying to [comment:4 Kau-Boy]:
 > I don't think that semantically it would make sense to keep the

 Why not? We're displaying a list of sessions, so `ul` seems like the
 appropriate element to me. `div` is too generic to convey any semantic
 information, so I don't see how that'd be an improvement. Am I missing

 > I do agree, that there could be back compability issues, but keeping the
 same element and class, but with a different content, would rather enforce
 such issues. Skipping the class will more likely just render the list as
 it would naturally do and with the simple semantic (so list, just some h3
 headlines) it would probably look better by default.

 I don't think we should break back-compat that much. If we want to, we
 could set a feature flag to keep the old markup on existing sites, and use
 the new markup on new sites, but doesn't seem like an elegant solution.

 It seems like Corey's idea about adding the new markup inside the `li`
 tags would satisfy the goal of this ticket without breaking back-compat.
 The `speaker-session-names` isn't exactly correct with the new markup, but
 it's close enough for me. Maintaining legacy code always involves some

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2849#comment:5>
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