[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #988: Profiles: Assign badges to WPTV contributors

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Thu Sep 24 18:56:44 UTC 2015

#988: Profiles: Assign badges to WPTV contributors
  Reporter:  iandunn      |      Owner:
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal       |  Component:  Profiles
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  ui-feedback

Comment (by coffee2code):

 Regarding criteria for the potential badges, the paradigm we've been going
 with are team badges and contributor badges.

 **Team badge**: This would be whatever criteria the team decides upon to
 constitute who is on the "team", but it is a badge assigned for the
 duration of a person's active participation as a member of the team
 (again, team decides what active means).

 **Contributor badge**: These are permanent badges assigned after some
 amount of contribution (decided by team). Teams with SVN repos give the
 badge with any props in a commit.

 I'm not familiar the roles employed by the WPTV team to suggest specifics.
 Moderators at least seem like they should be candidates for both badges. A
 reviewer (assuming anyone can volunteer to review a video and that this is
 where the team is trying to get contributors) seems like ideal candidates
 for the contributor badge (after a reasonably low contribution threshold).
 The contributor badge doesn't have to only have one criteria, so producers
 could be a different path to the badge.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/988#comment:3>
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