[wp-meta] [Making WordPress.org] #497: Increase font size in Trac inputs

Making WordPress.org noreply at wordpress.org
Sun Jun 8 16:47:49 UTC 2014

#497: Increase font size in Trac inputs
  Reporter:  johnbillion  |      Owner:
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal       |  Component:  Trac
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  has-patch

Comment (by Otto42):

 I see it as 13px in Chrome and Firefox. Looks the same in both to me.

 So, the question isn't just a matter of bumping it up in the CSS. If some
 browsers are behaving differently in the CSS, then we need to understand
 why and what's going on.

 Chrome reports it as 13px for me, and it looks identical to the same page
 in Firefox.

Ticket URL: <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/497#comment:9>
Making WordPress.org <https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/>
Making WordPress.org

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