[wp-hackers] Have I gone mad?

David Anderson david at wordshell.net
Fri Apr 26 18:48:37 UTC 2013

Here's a great puzzle for someone...

I've had a bug report for one of my plugins 
(http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/updraftplus). The bug reporter 
reports this message: "ABORT: Could not find the information on which 
entities to restore."

That comes from this code:

         if (!isset($_POST['updraft_restore']) || 
!is_array($_POST['updraft_restore'])) {
             echo '<p>'.__('ABORT: Could not find the information on 
which entities to restore.', 'updraftplus').'</p>';
             echo '<p>'.__('If making a request for support, please 
include this information:','updraftplus').'  : 
             return false;

But here's the kicker; here's the included information:


And that, when unserialized, is:

Array (
     [action] => updraft_restore
     [backup_timestamp] => 1366984477
     [updraft_restore] => Array
             [0] => plugins
             [1] => themes
             [2] => uploads
             [3] => others
             [4] => db

So, $_POST['updraft_restore'] is set, and is an array... so how does the 
error condition trigger? Am I mad?


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