[wp-hackers] GSoC Proposal: JSON REST API

Bryan Petty bryan at ibaku.net
Fri Apr 12 08:23:18 UTC 2013

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Mike Schinkel <mike at newclarity.net> wrote:
> but a bigger concern is "delivering an architecture in 2 months that needs longer to get right."

Which is why it's not even being considered for merge to trunk during
(or for quite some time after) GSoC.

The API wouldn't be in lockdown for backwards incompatible changes
(hitting version 1.0 so-to-speak) until such a time that it's merged
into trunk. As such, anything and everything can go through proper
iteration and testing while it's still in the form of a plugin that's
easy to install, test, and play with, but not tempting clients to
build anything expecting a stable API. We can still discuss and make
changes as necessary for likely another year beyond the final GSoC

On the contrary, GSoC is an excellent opportunity to get things
rolling on this, and to focus some attention on it, especially because
this is a project that never fit very well into the typical assigned
feature teams we've been organizing with every release (since it's a
project that requires time spanning multiple releases). So if not
during GSoC, any REST API implementation would likely actually have a
much harder time getting the attention and time it needs.

Bryan Petty

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