[wp-hackers] Querying OAuth protected service during 'wp_login'

Mike Schinkel mike at newclarity.net
Wed Dec 5 02:07:39 UTC 2012


That's an excellent and highly useful writeup. Thanks.  May I suggest adding as a post to your blog for posterity?


On Dec 4, 2012, at 1:04 PM, Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 10:20 AM, John Blackbourn
> <johnbillion+wp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You could hook into the 'check_password' filter instead and do your
>> oAuth request there if the username/password combo is correct. If your
>> oAuth request fails you can them return false (and maybe also a
>> wp_error object, you'll need to check) and the user won't get logged
>> in. Then you should be able to hook into the 'login_errors' or
>> 'login_messages' filters to display an appropriate message.
> Try the 'authenticate' filter instead. It gets three parameters, the
> WP_User object (or null), the username and the password (which may be
> empty). It's expected to return a valid WP_User or a WP_Error, or the
> original $user parameter if it's doing nothing.
> So this, for example, will just log everybody in as user number 1:
> add_filter('authenticate','dangerous_admin_login', 10, 3);
> function dangerous_admin_login($user, $username, $password) {
>  return new WP_User(1);
> }
> But, you can do more useful things with it, because this is how the
> password check and cookie checks are hooked in.
> The username/password check is hooked in at priority 20. It will
> return a WP_Error when there's no username and password.
> The cookie check is hooked in later, at priority 30. It validates the
> authentication cookie, then replaces that WP_Error by returning a
> valid WP_User when the cookie is valid.
> If you hook in at, say, priority 40, then you can see that the user
> has either successfully logged in (via username/password or via
> cookie), and do what you want to do. If what you do should invalidate
> their login, then you can just return your own WP_Error here,
> overriding the previous two checks. The message from the WP_Error will
> automatically get spit out onto the login screen. If they check out,
> then you can just return the same WP_User you got in the first place,
> and they'll be logged in.
> Note that this authentication process happens every request, so you
> may want to save something as usermeta so that you don't repeat your
> OAuth stuff every time, and can just check that first and skip it if
> they've successfully auth'd before.
> Alternatively, if you want to tie your authentication into another
> system entirely, you could hook in at priority 10, do your
> authentication check, and *create* a new user in the WP database
> corresponding to whatever your user-list is, or pull the proper
> WP_User if the user already exists in WP. As long as you return a
> WP_User object, the password check and the cookie check will simply
> pass through and let the login happen. Note that the cookie-setting
> code happens after this, so by returning a valid WP_User, then that
> person will get the proper cookie and won't be needing to enter the
> username and password all the time, since the cookie check will detect
> them next time.
> -Otto
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