[wp-hackers] Getting rid of /category/ -> solutions Category Side Of Things

Jeff Waugh jdub at bethesignal.org
Fri Feb 12 02:26:54 UTC 2010

<quote who="Mark McWilliams">

> Now because we'd have had the /category/ prefix removed from core,
> it'd show and work as follows!

Wow, the rest of the thread got a little intense!

I do prefer to get rid of the 'category' prefix myself, though mainly just
on sites that are less "bloggy" than usual -- stuff like news sites, multi
media presentation sites, etc.

I use <http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-no-category-base/> to do so.
It's quite a bit more sophisticated than most others I've seen, and actually
molests the rewrite table to handle pages/categories at the top level.

It's worth pointing out that this is not such a rare use case. Getting rid
of /category/ was quite important for <http://www.crikey.com.au/>, even if I
don't bother doing so on my blog.

Performance note: You should really only do this when you have relatively
few categories, which is often the case when you're using them as defined
"sections" of a site anyway (as with news sites).

- Jeff

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