[wp-hackers] Getting a call_user_func_array() error with add_(sub)?menu_page

Elizabeth Buckwalter elizabeth at slatetechpdx.com
Thu Feb 4 18:59:13 UTC 2010

I have a couple of plugins I'm working on.  I'm creating classes.  I copied
code from one plugin to the other.  One plugin runs fine, the other gives me
this error:

*Warning*: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First
argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'MyPlugin::admin_loader' was
given in */var/www/vhosts/campdx.com/httpdocs/wp-includes/plugin.php* on
line *346*
main plugin file:
one that works:
include(MWP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . 'my-working-plugin-class.php');
function fu_loaded() {
$fu = new MyWorkingPlugin;
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$fu, 'admin_page'));
add_action('admin_head', array(&$fu, 'admin_head'));

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'fu_loaded');

the one that doesn't:
include(MYPLUGIN_DOCROOT . "classes/myplugin-class.php");
if (is_admin() ) {
include(MYPLUGIN_DOCROOT . "classes/myplugin-admin-class.php");
function myp_plugins_loaded () {
if ( is_admin() ) {
// To enable activation through the activate function
 // Execute the install script when the plugin is installed
 $mpadmin = new MyPlugin_Admin;
add_action('admin_menu',array(&$mpadmin, 'admin_page'));
 } else {
$dbem = new MyPlugins;
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'myp_plugins_loaded');

class definition:
one that works:

class MyWorkingPlugin {
function __construct() {
// some variables that needs to be instatiated
// __construct(blah = default, blah = default, blah = default
return $this;
       // Thanks Session Manager for this code!
public function admin_page() {
$admin_page = 'admin/fu_admin.php';
$tab_title = __('My Working Plugin','fu');
$func = 'admin_loader';
$access_level = 'manage_options';
 $sub_pages = array(
__('Neat Stuff','fu')=>'fu_neat_stuff'
 add_menu_page($tab_title, $tab_title, $access_level, $admin_page,
array(&$this, $func));
 foreach ($sub_pages as $title=>$page) {
add_submenu_page($admin_page, $title, $title, $access_level, $page,
array(&$this, $func));
 public function admin_loader() {
$page = trim($this->get_request('page'));
 if ('admin/fu_admin.php' == $page) {
require_once(FU_ADMIN_DIR . 'fu_admin.php');
} else if (file_exists(FU_ADMIN_DIR . $page . '.php')) {
require_once(FU_ADMIN_DIR . $page . '.php');

the one that doesn't:
// Renamed this plugin to the main plugin and changed appropriate code above
with the same results.
class MyPlugin_Admin extends MyPlugin {
 public function __construct() {
 return $this;

public function admin_page () {
$admin_page = 'admin/pages/main.php';
$tab_title = "My Plugin";
$func = 'admin_loader';
$access_level = 'manage_options';

add_menu_page($tab_title, $tab_title, $access_level, $admin_page,
array(&$this, $func));
 $sub_pages = array(
'Edit' => 'edit-form',
'Add New' => 'edit-form',
'Locations' => 'locations',
'People' => 'people',
'Categories'         => 'categories'
 foreach ($sub_pages as $title=>$page) {
add_submenu_page($admin_page, $title, $title, $access_level, $page,
array(&$this, $func));

 private function admin_loader() {
$page = trim($_GET['page']);
if ('admin/pages/main.php' == $page ) {
require_once(MYPLUGIN_DOCROOT . 'admin/pages/main.php');
} else {
require_once(MYPLUGIN_DOCROOT . 'admin/pages/' . $page . '.php');


I'm not seeing what the difference is.  I'm seeing differences of course,
but I just don't see how those could make a difference.  I've spent a couple
of hours, so far, toggling and tweaking and (un)commenting things to see
what would be causing this.

A Google search  comes up with nothing helpful.  I even looked through the
Drupal results that showed up, but didn't find an explanation. Google
Searches: 'call_user_func_array() add menu page wordpress',
'call_user_func_array() add menu page', 'call_user_func_array()
add_menu_page', 'call_user_func_array() object add_menu_page'

Oh yes.  I'm under NDA, so I've changed the names.  I checked the constant
names, but might have missed one.  Same for variables and Class names.

Elizabeth Buckwalter
Senior Developer
elizabeth at slatetechpdx.com
Slate Technologies LLC
6315 SE Holgate Blvd, Portland, OR

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