[wp-hackers] GSoC Proposal: Sort By Column

TobiasBg wp-hackers at tobias.baethge.com
Thu Apr 1 07:24:05 UTC 2010


> Could wordpress use the jquery tablesorter plugin?

If you are refering to the plugin from www.tablesorter.com, I'd go -1 on that on.

Instead, take a look at the DataTables jQuery plugin, from www.datatables.net.

In my plugin WP-Table Reloaded (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-table-reloaded) I'm actually already using that one on the admin screen already, to offer a sortable list (very similar and in the same layout as the lists of edit.php).

As a bonus, this library brings pagination and live filtering, has an extensive API (for AJAX, server-side processing, ...), and is actively maintained (which does not seem to apply to the tablesorter plugin).

Best wishes,

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