[wp-hackers] Prepend blog name in comment feed's title

Thomas Scholz info at toscho.de
Sat Oct 10 00:17:39 UTC 2009

Peter Westwood:

> There is a filter on the "Comments on" bit.
> If you dig into the translation functions there are filters to let  
> plugins modify the translated string which can be used to prepend  
> something here.

Thanks, that was it!

Here's my code (replace 'Kommentare zu:' with 'Comments on:' in english  

// functions.php
add_filter('gettext', 'rss_title_prefix');

function rss_title_prefix($str)
	if ( is_feed() AND is_singular() )
		return str_replace('Kommentare zu:', get_bloginfo('name') . ' -  
Kommentare zu:', $str);
	return $str;

I've updated my blog post at  


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